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Technology That Matters Series #1

New Frontiers In Space Tech!

Technology That Matters Series #1
Whither The Space Enterprise

Professor Daniel Hastings

A new space age is dawning.

The first and second ages of space have been government driven.

They have given the world communication satellites.

They have provided global navigation and precise timing.

However, the systems are expensive, slow to build and difficult to modify.

This third phase of space is seeing the growth of entrepreneurial, private enterprise driven space as well as the development of more and more capable small satellite systems.

This entrepreneurial, private enterprise driven space is leading to new profit-making ventures and the space enterprise being changed through reusable launch, small capable satellites and on-orbit servicing.

Venue, Date & Time


05:00 PM - 08:00 PM


29 March 2018


1 CREATE Way, CREATE Tower level 2 Seminar Room


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