Infectious Diseases (ID) IRG

What is the ID IRG?
The SMART Infectious Disease (ID) IRG seeks a fundamental understanding of hostpathogen interactions as well as the direct impact on human health through translational research. The ID IRG focuses on infectious diseases that have a major impact on human health, including dengue fever, malaria, and tuberculosis.
The strategy of the ID IRG is to develop enabling technologies, including rapid antibody design and translation, translational control through RNA modification, humanized mouse model, high-resolution proteonomics, glycomics, metabolomics, and cellular mechanics platforms, to study infectious diseases using novel approaches and from new angles. The ID IRG has developed an integrated, cutting-edge research program with the participation of both MIT faculty and investigators from Singapore universities and research institutes.
BioSyM brings together a multidisciplinary team of faculties and researchers from MIT and Singapore's Universities (NUS and NTU) and Research Institutes. Collaborate with researchers from Universities, Research Institutes, and industries in Singapore and Asia.
The Purpose/Goal of ID
Expanding the infectious disease knowledge base through discovering novel mechanisms of pathogen-host interactions.
Translating these findings into diagnostics, prophylactics and therapeutics for specific diseases.
Building a culture of translational science and biomedical entrepreneurship so as to move scientific discoveries and inventions into the commercial realm to directly impact human health.