Want to be a SMURF?
SMURF Fellowship
Singapore-MIT Undergraduate Research Fellowship
SMART is unable to offer the SMURF Fellowship this summer 2023. If you are interested in the Fellowship for summer 2024, please re-visit this webpage in October 2023.
SMART is accepting applications for the 2020 Singapore-MIT Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SMURF) Fellowship programme. The fellowship enables undergraduates from MIT, NTU, NUS and SUTD to spend up to eight contiguous weeks in Singapore participating in a research project at a MIT Faculty Member's Singapore laboratory.
As a fellowship recipient, you will have the opportunity to interact with students and faculty from diverse backgrounds. A SMART researcher will be assigned to you to mentor you throughout the attachment.
Research at the SMART Centre is organised into Interdisciplinary Research Groups (IRGs). To view the list of projects within the IRGs, click the links below.
EligibilityMIT, NTU, NUS, SMU and SUTD undergraduates in good standing who have already, or would have successfully completed their first year are eligible to apply.
Application RequirementsIn order for your SMURF application to be reviewed by the Committee, your application must include the documents listed below. Failure to adhere to this may disqualify your application. If you have any questions regarding the application process, send an email to smart_smurf@smart.mit.edu. 1. SMART IRG Select the Interdisciplinary Research Group (IRG) that fits your research interest (maximum 2, if applicable). 2. Project List Identify a project within the SMART IRG that fits your research interest. If you have more than one interest, rank your preferences. 3. MIT-SMART Investigator Select the MIT-SMART Investigator's name from the project you selected above. If you have more than one interest, rank your preferences. 4. Personal Statement and CV Submit a 1-3 page statement describing why you would like to work on that particular project (i.e. provide some background information about yourself, include potential outcomes working on his/her project, goals, etc.). Please upload your personal statement and CV as one PDF document. 5. Transcript or Grade Report Provide an electronic version (in pdf) of your most recent transcript or grade report (even if it is unofficial). 6. Referees Provide 2 referees. Your referee can be a faculty, or (senior) lecturer, or (senior) research scientist or a department supervisor from your home institution or a manager from an organization. Enter your referees name and university or organization's email address on the online form. Once you submit your application, your referee will receive an email asking them to submit their recommendation letter via our online portal. The letter they provide must be prepared using their official university or organization's letterhead. Deadline to submit the recommendation letter is 01 January 1970, Singapore time. NOTE: For questions regarding the SMURF Fellowship, send an email to smart_smurf@smart.mit.edu.
Application Period & TimelineApplication period is from 01 January 1970 to 01 January 1970, Singapore time. The status of your application will be sent by email on or before 01 January 1970, Singapore time.
Attachment PeriodAttachment period in Singapore is from 01 January 1970 and 01 January 1970, inclusive. Orientation will be held on 01 January 1970.