New Venture Development For Medical Technologies – I2START Program
Innovation Centre
SMART Innovation Centre (SMART IC), NHIC, and ESG jointly manage the I2START program. SMART IC provides a Venture Exploration grant of $300K for the first phase. NHIC provides a grant of $300K for the second phase, and ESG provides $750K to cover the final phase. The 3 phases progress seamlessly to move medical technology from the lab to venture formation. We expect to award up to 3 I2START Grants each year.
ESG Phase
$300K* 3/year *ring-fenced funding under Thematic Office Grant.
The I2START is an open grant. The application for the entire grant of $1,350K needs to outline the development path across all three grant phases.

Since this may be difficult for most researchers, the staff of the I2START program will assist. The application process would be:
Submit a Letter of Intent using the Letter of Intent Form to the I2START Grant Secretariat.
I2START will assign one of its partners (SMART IC, NHIC, or ESG) to review your Letter of Intent and work with you during the application process.
If the Letter of Intent is of interest to the I2START Program, you will submit a formal application using Application Form and Budget Template. The I2START Panel will formally review this application.
During the I2START Program, the project teams may attend the SMART Innovation 2.0 training workshops. If an I2START project team desires to participate in these SMART IC's mentoring/training workshops, SMART IC will charge fees from the grant.
Letter of Intent: Submit LOI to I2Start Grant Secretariat at