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SMART partners J&J Innovation and ETPL to launch Singapore QuickFire Challenge Competition
Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Division of Johnson & Johnson (China) Investment Ltd., announced a collaboration with A*STAR's ETPL,...

Industries and vehicles add to bad air days
Dr Hsiang-he Lee's research suggests that domestic pollution may also be responsible for the persistent haze Regional forest fires are...

MIT Hacking Medicine Robotics - first hackathon in Asia focused on social use of robotics for
eldercare. MIT Hacking Medicine Robotics Singapore 2017 - the first hackathon in Asia focused on social use of robotics for eldercare -...
Five from SMART elected to the National Academy of Engineering
Five SMART members are among the 84 new members and 22 foreign associates elected to the National Academy of Engineering. Election to the...

How Prof Daniela Rus combines automation and mobility for a SMARTER world
Prof Daniela Rus with the self-driving vehicles at SMART By Catherine MARGUERITE Daniela Rus loves Singapore. As this MIT professor sits...

Singapore-developed tech a fillip to cancer treatment
Dr Khoo Bee Luan, SMART BioSyM postdoctoral associate with the microfluidic device termed as the CTC cluster assay. A new technology...

SMART’s new Innovation Office to launch scientists from bench to business
Tharman Shanmugaratnam (right), DPM and Coordinating Minister for Economic and Social Policies, finding out more from a start-up at...

Care for a ride on the self-driving PMD?
The self-driving Personal Mobility Device (PMD) weighs about 50kg and moves at a walking pace of 1m per second. A prototype of the...

Discovery by scientists here may help fight against TB
Dr Chionh Yok Hian (left) and Prof Peter Dedon explain that the ultimate goal is to cut down the time we need to treat TB. Scientists at...

What do we breathe while waiting for the bus?
Dr Erik Velasco, SMART CENSAM research scientist, with portable scientific instruments at VivoCity bus stop 1. Singapore – Approximately...
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